We will begin accepting 2025 Mass intentions on Thursday, November 7, 2024. Mass requests will be accepted for the entire year, January through December 2025.
Forms will be available at all churches, the St. Paul and St. Conrad offices, and here on our website. Masses will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Confirmations will only be sent to those requests submitted on Mass intention request forms. They will be sent out beginning in December 2024 for January and February 2025 Masses. For Masses scheduled beyond February 2025, confirmations will be sent out at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled Mass date.
Please be sure to review and retain your written confirmation for future reference since the “requested by” is no longer published in the bulletin.
Mass intentions will not be accepted by phone or email.
We will do our best to fulfill your Mass intention request. If we cannot do so, we will schedule the intention as close to the requested date and time as possible.
Please be sure to review the guidelines on the reverse side of the Mass intention request form before submitting your request.
Mass Intention Guidelines for All Saints Parish
St. Andrew + St. Conrad + St. Michael the Archangel + St. Paul + St. Peter
1. We will accept requests for Mass intentions on a first-come, first-served basis in the order in which the Mass Intention Request Form is received. The form— on the back of this page — may be dropped off or mailed in. Forms are available on the parish website www.allsaintsbutler.org and at the church offices.
2. Because of the large number of Mass intention requests we receive, we will accept no more than
two (2) intentions per parish household per year (1 weekend and 1 weekday). If you request more than two (2), the additional Mass intentions may be sent to Saint Paul Seminary to be fulfilled.
3. A significant number of Mass intentions are requested following the death of a loved one. The immediate family may schedule a maximum of three (3) Mass intentions for the deceased. The additional Masses for the deceased will be scheduled during the year, if possible—this depends on the number of requests the office receives. When the Mass is scheduled, a confirmation can only be provided if the form is complete. After one year, all unscheduled Mass intentions will be sent to St. Paul Seminary to be celebrated there. Canon Law does not permit us to keep Mass intentions beyond those that we are able to schedule in a year’s time. Once a Mass is scheduled, it cannot be rescheduled.
4. At this time, Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass intention requests will be accepted beginning February 8, 2024, only for Masses that take place between April 1—June 30, 2024.
5. A $10 stipend, as determined by Diocesan policy, is to accompany each Mass request. However, no one will be denied a Mass intention because of inability to pay. Simply note this on the Mass Intentions
Request Form.
6. Mass intentions will not be scheduled for Holy Thursday (Mass of the Lord’s Supper), Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. These Masses will be celebrated for the general intentions of our parish.
7. The parish must schedule one Mass every Sunday and Holy Day for the intentions of our living and deceased parishioners. This “Pro Populo” (for the people) Mass is required by the Church’s Canon Law.
8. We will do our best to fulfill your Mass intention request. If we cannot do so, we will schedule the intention as close to the requested date and time as possible. We will verify the date of the Mass Intention via mail, email or phone. PLEASE print your contact information clearly!
9. Lengthy intentions cannot be published in the bulletin and will be edited for the sake of brevity.
The form is fillable, which means you can fill it out on your computer, download it, and then send it to St. Paul with the stipend accompanying your form.
The new forms, which will be available at our church offices, will be printed on blue paper.
For the online fillable form, you may open the form, fill in the blocks, and then download the form, or download the form to your computer, fill out the form on your computer, and then save the form.